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BERNARD NOEL, born on 11/19/1930 in Sainte-Geneviève-sur-Argence (Aveyron), is a French poet, writer, essayist and art critic.
Poet, writer, essayist, art critic, his friendship for painters and his taste for painting led him to collaborate in the production of numerous artists' books and, more recently, to illustrate some himself. Hailed, among others, by Louis Aragon, André Pieyre de Mandiargues, Yves Bonnefoy, Claude Esteban, Michel Polac, Philippe Sollers, Jacques Derrida and Maurice Blanchot, the work of Bernard Noël makes poetry its unifying principle. He directed the Textes collection at Flammarion in which were published Claude Ollier, Marc Cholodenko, Jean-Claude Montel, William Carlos Williams, or even E. E. Cummings, in particular.
1967 Antonin-Artaud Prize for La Face de silence, 1976 Guillaume-Apollinaire Prize for Treize cases du je, 1983 Grand prize for poetry from the SGDL for all of his work, 1988 Prize France Culture for Journal du regard, 1992 Grand prize national de la poésie, 2010 Robert-Ganzo Prize for Poetry for his work and his book Les Plumes d'Éros, 2011 International Prize for Poetry Gabriele d'Annunzio, 2016 Grand Prize for Poetry of the Académie française


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